17 min to read
IEEE Olympics CTF Challenges Writeup
IEEE Olympics CTF Challenges Writeup

hello friends, this is My writeup for IEEE CTF Misc & RE & Forensics & Web writeups.
- this challenge was very easy, i checked it with binwalk and i found that there is hidden photo’s, then i extracted them and with exiftool i got the flag.
You can download the challenge from here EASY.
- let’s start with binwalk
binwalk EASY.dd
- now we have 4 photos in this dd image, let’s extract them now.
binwalk –dd=’.*’ EASY.dd
- i got this file _EASY.dd.extracted let’s open it now.
now we need to check all of them with exiftool
- exiftool *
- there is a Comment!
Comment : VRRR{Gu!f_vf_Gur_sy@t_T00q-W0o}
- looks like a flag!, yes this is our flag but it’s encrypted with Rot and you can decrypt it with this website
Misc Challenges
1.Caesar salad
from the challenge name i thought that this a Caesat Cipher but it was, Rail Fence Cipher, i tried all the Ciphers in this website til i got the flag.
- use this website to decrypt the string.
Flag: IEEE{CaesarAintH4rd}
we got a pcap file and i opened it with wireshark and it’s so easy to find the plaintext password, you can download the file from here
- open wireshark and look carefully with me
in this packet we can see that there is someone tell anotherone to login with ssh to make something.
in this packet we found a plaintext with the same name of the challenge and we can confirm that this is the right password from the next packet.
- Login successful!
Flag: IEEE{so_Uns3cure}
3.warm up
we hava base64 hash and when we decrypt it i got another md5 hash, but we need to fix the hash as mensioned in the description of the challenge.
- after analyse this hash i optain that this a hex value from a-f so we need to delete the char h and z to get the right md5 hash
False md5 hash: 482c811dha5d5b4bc6d497ffa98491ze38
Correct md5 hash: 482c811da5d5b4bc6d497ffa98491e38
Flag: IEEE{password123}
4.Brute Me
- You can download the file from here
i just cracked tha password and got the flag.
fcrackzip -u -v -D -p /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt flag.zip
- Password: sainsburys
Flag: IEEE{Easy_Brute}
- nice!, we are done from the Misc now, let’s go to the Web now.
Web Challenges
1. S3ssion master
in this challenge we will play with the session cookie to get admin privilege to read the flag.
challenge link
let’s go
- nothing here, so let’s fireup burpsuite and see what we can do.
i played with the session but i can’t figure what is it and how can we got the admin cookie until i see hint for this challenge.
- so now we know that we need to bruteforce hidden directory.
gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/dirb/wordlists/common.txt -s 200,301
╭─xdev05@nic3One ~/Downloads/IEEE/writeup
╰─➤ gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/dirb/wordlists/common.txt -s 200,301
Gobuster v3.0.1
by OJ Reeves (@TheColonial) & Christian Mehlmauer (@_FireFart_)
[+] Url:
[+] Threads: 10
[+] Wordlist: /usr/share/dirb/wordlists/common.txt
[+] Status codes: 200,301,302
[+] User Agent: gobuster/3.0.1
[+] Timeout: 10s
2020/09/28 09:07:37 Starting gobuster
/sess (Status: 301)
2020/09/28 09:08:05 Finished
after opening this dir i noticed that, every chat for dir and the file in the latest dir are cookie, let’s see.
so the other dir will ne the session for the admin let’s see.
if we compined the dirs and the name of the file in it we will optain the admin session.
admin session: ry t2 w3 nd 2n xx on rd bq d7 qh 1o k71bzpev8zpa7vgnn24db4m4imvrhzo1zatw10iv
so this is the session : ryt2w3nd2nxxonrdbqd7qh1ok71bzpev8zpa7vgnn24db4m4imvrhzo1zatw10iv
go to burp now and put it.
Flag: IEEE{wh0 473 my c00k13?}
2.S3cure uploader
- uploader.php
if(isset($_GET["upload"])) {
$target_dir = "uploads/";
$vars = explode(".", $_FILES["FileToUpload"]["name"]);
$ext = $vars[1];
//randomizing file name
$time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$new_name = md5(rand(1,1000).$time.$filename."0x4148fo").".".strtolower(pathinfo(basename($_FILES["FileToUpload"]["name"]),PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
$filename=explode(".", $_FILES["FileToUpload"]["name"])[0];
$ext = $filename=explode(".", $_FILES["FileToUpload"]["name"])[1];
$target_file = $target_dir . "$new_name";
// Check if file already exists
if (file_exists($target_file)) {
echo "File already exists.";
$uploadOk = 0;
// Check file size
if ($_FILES["FileToUpload"]["size"] > 500000) {
echo "File is too large.";
$uploadOk = 0;
$uploadOk = 1;
$check = getimagesize($_FILES["FileToUpload"]["tmp_name"]);
if($check !== false) {
$uploadOk = 1;
} else {
echo "File is not an image.";
$uploadOk = 0;
move_uploaded_file($_FILES["FileToUpload"]["tmp_name"], $target_file);
echo "File uploaded successfully to $target_file";
die("Invalid file type");
- hashs.py
import os
import hashlib
date = "2020-09-27 21:25:01"
filename = "shell"
key = "0x4148fo"
with open("final.txt", 'w') as f:
for i in range(1,1001):
string = str(str(i)+date+filename+key).encode('utf-8')
hash = hashlib.md5(string).hexdigest()
print('{}'.format(hash), file=f)
S3cure uploader Walkthrough
Reverse Challenges
1.Dot Free
You can download the program from here rev.exe
- Running the application it asks for an input
So let’s use dnspy to decompile and see the code.
Flag: IEEE{Free_Points_4_u}
2.Trivia fun
You can download the program from here trivia.exe
- It’s a multistep challenge which is quite fun.
The first one is asking for a username and password.
It’s .NET so let’s use dnspy to get them.
- After looking at the source code i realised that the application has anti debugging techniques which is implemented in all of these classes Program, Question, Trivia_Form
- Which simply checks if a debugger is attached or if dnspy is running if so it simply doesn’t continue executing, so let’s remove these pieces of code to make it easier for us later on.
remove the code by right clicking and then edit the class then just remove the anti debugging code and compile and save
First step:
Now we can solve the first step which is the username and password, which the code responsible for validating them is in Trivia_Form.
- So it checks if the username matches this regex [^([A-Z0-9]{5}-){4}[A-Z0-9]{5}$] you can use this site understand this regex,and it checks if the sum of the password ascii values = 1930.
Username = AAAAA-AAAAA-AAAAA-AAAAA-AAAAA, which matches the regex.
Password: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzd, their sum of the ascii value = 1930
Seconed step:
Solving the second step, which is the code responsible for validating the answer is in Qs_l1.
Let’s write a script to bruteforce the answer:
import string
enc = "Gu4g_J0hyq_o3_Mn_Z4GpU"
alpha = string.ascii_letters
ans = ""
i = 0
if((ord(enc[i])>= 97 and ord(enc[i])<= 122) or (ord(enc[i])>= 65 and ord(enc[i])<= 90)):
for c in alpha:
if (ord(c)>= 97 and ord(c)<= 122):
if (ord(c) > 109):
if(chr(ord(c) - 13) == enc[i]):
ans += c
if(chr(ord(c) + 13) == enc[i]):
ans += c
elif (ord(c)>= 65 and ord(c)<= 90):
if (ord(c) > 77):
if(chr(ord(c) - 13) == enc[i]):
ans += c
if(chr(ord(c) + 13) == enc[i]):
ans += c
The answer is: Th4t_W0uld_b3_Za_M4TcH
Third step:
Solving the second step, which is the code responsible for validating the answer is located in Qs_l2.
Let’s try to break it to understand it better.
It just makes sure that the answer length is divisible by 3 and then divides it into 3 different arrays after converting them to their ascii equivalent.
Create the xor key by shifting with different values.
Xor the answer with the keys and adding some values after.then concatenate all of them and compare it with: X5Q;DU~<{6p
- So to understand it better let’s say if: 1.enc = answer ^ key + value 2.Then: answer = (enc - value) ^ key
Let’s write a script to get the answer
using System;
using System.Linq;
class Trivia {
int[] convert_carr_iarr(char[] carr)
int[] array = new int[carr.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < carr.Length; i++)
array[i] = (int)carr[i];
return array;
char[] convert_iarr_carr(int[] carr)
char[] array = new char[carr.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < carr.Length; i++)
array[i] = (char)carr[i];
return array;
public string get_answer(string answer)
while (answer.Length % 3 != 0)
answer += "=";
int[] array;
int[] array2;
int[] array3;
array = this.convert_carr_iarr(answer.Substring(0, answer.Length / 3).ToCharArray());
array2 = this.convert_carr_iarr(answer.Substring(answer.Length / 3, answer.Length / 3).ToCharArray());
array3 = this.convert_carr_iarr(answer.Substring(2 * answer.Length / 3, answer.Length / 3).ToCharArray());
int[] array4 = new int["Z09CWQl".Length];
int[] array5 = new int["Z09CWQl".Length];
int[] array6 = new int["Z09CWQl".Length];
for (int i = 0; i < "Z09CWQl".Length; i++)
int num = (int)"Z09CWQl"[i];
array4[i] = num >> 3;
array5[i] = num >> 4;
array6[i] = num >> 2;
for (int j = 0; j < array.Length; j++)
array[j] ^= array4[j];
for (int k = 0; k < array2.Length; k++)
array2[k] = ((array2[k]-6) ^ array5[k]);
for (int l = 0; l < array3.Length; l++)
array3[l] = ((array3[l]-8) ^ array6[l]);
return string.Join<char>("", this.convert_iarr_carr(array).ToList<char>().Concat(this.convert_iarr_carr(array2).ToList<char>()).Concat(this.convert_iarr_carr(array3).ToList<char>()));
public static void Main() {
string enc_answer = "X5Q;DU~<{6p`87)[`ad1.";
Trivia h = new Trivia();
string ans = h.get_answer(enc_answer);
The answer is: S3V3N_s3v3n_777_VII==
After solving all the questions it says to look at the code so let’s check the code.
So it decrypts ‘whoami’ so let’s create a breakpoint and check what does it return.
Just set a breakpoint before returning to get the result value.
Flag: Flag{To_P4tch_0r_Not_To_P4tch}
- Cheers!